(612) 800-2036


100 W 66TH S


(612) 800-2036


100 W 66TH S


07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

​Student Life

SciTech Academy believes that learners acquire genuine self-esteem through the challenge of academic accomplishment. The school will have high expectations so that all its students will obtain the knowledge and skills they need for success in their further education and careers.

Our school follows a rigorous curriculum that is a systemic, progressive program with mastery of specific knowledge and skills at each grade level. The program is aimed to be challenging to, but not too difficult for average students. With a focus on mastery of core knowledge and skills, teaching methods provide appropriate support and challenge for all students. Integrated assessment to confirm student progress and identify the need for intervention or further improvement. Timely and complete communication with parents establishes a partnership that promotes an environment most likely to achieve success for all students.

Most instructional time is spent teaching the standard curriculum to the entire class. Homework complements and supplements classwork, but does not replace the teacher’s obligation to cover material in class. In order to provide students with a dependable, least restrictive learning experience. pull-out programs are avoided unless is necessary.

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