Board of Directors
The involvement of our families and community in the decision-making process is an important part of public education.
When are the meetings held?
The Board of directors meets on the third Friday of each Month at 6:00 p.m at the school as well as virtually:
Address: 100 W 66th St, Richfield, MN 55423
For more information contact the school’s office at 612-800-2036
Where are announcements posted?
All announcement is posted on the school website
How can I participate?
You may use two options to participate in board meetings.
- Firstly, you may email board at, at least one week before the meeting, and request to speak at the upcoming board meeting.
- Secondly, you may attend and participate during the time reserved for community announcements. Scheduled announcements may use up to 5 minutes, but any unscheduled announcement may have only 3 minutes.
What can I address?
You may speak about the issue(s) you identified when you requested to be placed on the agenda. Generally, the Board will allow questions and discussion but will not take action until a later meeting.
What is a typical agenda?
Copies of the agenda are printed and available for the attendee. The same format is used at every meeting. Consent Items are routine items such as minutes and monthly bills which can be approved with a minimum of discussion. Scheduled and Unscheduled comments give the public an opportunity to speak at each meeting. Old Business Items are action items from the previous Board meeting that await a decision from the Board. New Business Items are current action items that await a decision from the Board. Reports, Announcements and Information Items are all used to provide the Board with information, relative to the many components of the school. Executive Session is used by the Board to discuss items as per MN Code.
Who are the Board Members?
The school board consists of five directors (Board Members) Consist (chair, secretary and members. Non- voting setting – School Director.
What does the Board Chairperson do?
The chairperson chairs at all Board meetings and conducts the meetings according to parliamentary rules. In addition, the chairperson signs all papers and documents, as required by law and as authorized by the action of the Board. The chairperson has the full right to participate in debate, without surrendering the chair, and has the right to vote on all matters that are put to a vote. In the unlikely event, there should be an interruption of Board work by a person in attendance who is shouting, being unruly, etc.,
the Board chairperson has the authority to do any or all of the following:
*Order anyone causing a disturbance to leave the Board room.
*Order a brief recess until order is restored.
*Adjourn and reconvene at a time and place selected by a majority vote.
What does the school director do at the meeting?
The director serves as the Board’s chief executive officer in administering Board policies, as well as keeping the Board informed of the goals, needs and performance of the schools. The Director is available to the Board as a professional resource and works with the board chairperson to prepare the agenda. The recommendations generally precede any Board action on issues facing the Board. If you have any other questions, please go to the contact page and feel free to send your questions, suggestion other feedback!