(612) 800-2036


100 W 66TH S


(612) 800-2036


100 W 66TH S


07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

About Us

Why choose Scitech

SciTech Academy provides a caring and academic environment for all students.  

SciTech Academy uses children’s natural curiosity to teach STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and critical thinking skills. All grade levels involve their students in class projects and other learning opportunities.

The highly skilled teachers and compassionate staff focus on the children’s learning success.  The school’s low adult: student ratio provides whole class and small group opportunities for students to develop their academic and world language skills.  

What We believe.

The Teachers, Administrators and staff at Scitech Academy are united in their belief that all children:

  • Have the Power to Learn
  • Are Curios & Creative
  • Can Succeed.

No Two students have exactly the same skills or learning style. That is why we create an individual leaning plan for every child. Every plan will combine direct instructions, small-group work and one-on-one tutoring in a way that works for them.